Monday, 31 May 2010

Sydney to Mooloolaba

Mike is now sailing up the Australian coast to Mooloolaba with Jessica Watson on board Ella's Pink Lady. They sailed out of Sydney under cover of darkness with a third unidentified sailor aboard to share the workload...well that's what the papers are saying.

They will stop a couple of times along the way to say thank you to people who have helped Jess.

Mike has had an amazing time in Sydney and been made so very welcome he says it would be a great place to live.

Apologies for not keeping everyone in tune with what Mike has been doing...He says there has been no internet connection where he has been staying...and I checked his personal hotmail which has also been pretty it must be true! ...but still a weak excuse.

Ella's Pink Lady is planned to arrive in Mooloolaba next Sunday for a scaled down Sydney reception, then Mike will fly home a week later as he will be sailing on the ProstateUK Cancer entry in the Round the Island Race which he is really looking forward to...and I would also take part if anyone has a spare place?



  1. I read a report, not sure how accurate, that the 3rd is Jesse Martin...will see if I can find it again...

  2. Thanks for the update Mike's Dad ! I'm so pleased to hear that it's Mike who's spending time with Jessica now. I'm sure it must be perfect for her now to be able to talk to one of the very few people who knows what she's really experienced.
    Best of luck to Mike for the Round The Island; hope you get yourself a perch too Mr. P.
    with continued love from Mexico
    Sahaja Sam

  3. Thanks Peter, I hope you get that chance.
    Glad Mike is getting better from his illness, and that he is having a good time.
    Thanks to you and Heather for all the suport you have given Mike

  4. Well if Mike does come to the Southampton boat show this year, I hope Jess comes to. After all two autographs are better then one :P
