Monday 11 January 2010

Snow - 10th January 2010

Hi everyone,
We finally put away the chirstmas decorations here in at home yesterday. Late I know!
It's been so nice having christmas at home here in the UK this year, and to have a white-ish christmas made it even more special. It's been snowing rather a lot here recently and I find it hilarious how the UK can just grind to a halt at times with only 6inches of snow. It does seem like the country is getting used to it though as the roads are steadily improving now.
I'm looking forward to visiting some schools over the next couple of weeks over the country as part of my Live the Dream schools program. It's always exciting to visit schools and talk about the trip.

Not much else to chat about at the moment really, but I'll keep you all updated in due course.


Reader Comments

Dan near Toronto :

Thanks for the update Mike. You Brits have more bloody snow than we have near me sitting here with my snowplow truck and nothing to do. Great to hear about more school program stuff..please post more as it happens with that..maybe links to news articles etc.

10/01/2010 18:39:01

johnboi :

Hi mike, 6inchs of snow, lucky. Only got an inch here so far, but saying that, there is plenty of ice. Times like this I wish I was back at school, those kids you visit are very lucky. Enjoy the snow! john

10/01/2010 19:05:18

Jim :

So, Mike - how did you enjoy your first experiences driving in snow? Or did you drive in it? We have ice and a bit of snow here in the Atlanta,USA area and I found out that even experienced drivers in the stuff can go sledding using the car as the vehicle : ) Not recommended. I was on the way to a store to buy something to create a 'surprise' for Timothy and the car just developed a life of its own. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the snow you had. Hope your talks go well next week.

11/01/2010 02:34:05


  1. Dan near Toronto12 January 2010 at 05:09

    What a treat and CONGRATULATIONS to the Perhams on this new web site. Very nice and clean layout. I love it.
    Aaaaaaaand...horray for the note on Mike's FIRST book coming in Mar this year! How am I ever going to wait THAT LONG?....LOL

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

    Dan near Toronto

  2. Perham family: Congrats on the new web site. Looks Great!

    Jim near Atlanta

  3. Great news to hear the book is due out shortly:) looking forward to it very much. Well done passing your driving test. After your Bounty Challenge why not take your Advanced Driving Test? I did through I.A.M. It's great fun to do and a brilliant achievement.

  4. Hi Mike,
    I love the new site. I followed you around the world and am so excited to follow you on the Bounty Boat adventure. And the book - should be amazing as you write very well.

    Keep on Dreaming and thanks for the sharing,
    Kathy Bend, OR USA
