Friday 15 January 2010

New Website

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the new website! Hope you all like it!

We've expanded the content here and there which should make the use of the site easier. Also the blog should be easier to use now.

It's fantastic news to see that Jessica Watson has now rounded cape horn nice and safely and I'm really chuffed for her. She's always in such high spirits and I continue to be really impressed by her super positive attitude.

I've finally sent off all my university applications so am waiting to hear some replies. Fingers crossed I get the offers that I'm hoping for.

The snow is finally melting away here in Potters Bar which is kind of a good sign to be honest. Finally things can get back to normal!

Next week, I'm visiting three schools all in different parts of the country, I'll keep you updated about how it's going.



  1. G'day Mike,
    Thx for your new layout of your website.
    Cool, mate, and I do like it, and so do my sissie Nadalie and my (grand)parents.
    It's much clear and easier to navigate your official website and it's now like I'm using a sort of complete selection of hightech electronic sailing navigation tools.....kewl and great, mate.
    Also thx for all your other personal support to me.
    Ohw yeah, please give ozzie Jessica Watson our most sailingproof best wishes for continuing successfully her dream when you satphoned her.
    And sure lots of successes with all the other things you're doing now. I'm following you.
    The other stuff I put in email.
    Bye Bye Mike, thx and cu,
    Timothy from Amsterdam Holland

  2. Dan near Toronto15 January 2010 at 16:48

    Hi Mike and family...

    Yes the site is very nice and one of these days I'll test the comment box size (capacity) Who knows, I might be able to ramble on for days..haha. Thanks for the update on your school activities...wish I could attend some of them...sounds like great fun.

    @ Timothy...GREAT to see you back on here Timo...cheers mate.

  3. Hi Mike. Hope your visits to the schools recently went well. You are an inspriation to a lot of people that you don't even know about.

    AUS training rapidly approaching. Maybe the snow you had recently helped toughen up the skin for all those cold, wet ocean sprays you will encounter on the BB trip.

    Jim near Atlanta
