Sunday, 3 January 2010

Fireworks - 9th November 2009

Hi everyone,

The last week has been a good laugh. The documentary came out on Thursday which was a great success and this weekend it was fireworks night which was a great fun. Also Don McIntyre is back over from Australia staying with us and this coming weekend we're going to be having some fun with Bounty Boat, which is actually sitting patiently on my drive just dying to go sailing.

The documentary, 'Schoolboy who sailed the world', aired on Thursday on Channel 4 and there was quite a bit of advertising for it in the week previous so we were all getting excited about seeing it on TV. When it came out we were immediately inundated with emails flooding in from all over the UK saying how fantastic it was which put a big smile on my face. A lot of credit must go to the guys over at Blink Productions who have put the whole project together and of course Channel 4. Over a million TV's were watching it which was exciting news to hear on Friday. You can still catch it on 4OD if you want to watch it,

This weekend the sky lit up with firework displays which was really great to see. I went to a display in Watford with a load of college friends and we had a ball which was great fun. I'm always smiling when those guys are around as they're such a fun lot!

So yes, Don is back in town to have some fun with Bounty Boat. It's great to have Don back here as he's such a laugh to have around and we're always joking about the things ahead!

Anyway, things to do and people to see…

Reader Comments
TooMuchTVforMe :
All my friends and I have been wondering if you and Beckie got back together?? Well done BTW the TV programme was amazing!! :) xxx
10/11/2009 17:59:54

Alex :
Just saw the documetary on channel 4, and I thought it was amazing! I found this website, and just thought I'd wish you loads of luck on your next adventure. I think you are SO brave for doing what you did, and I hope to be seeing more of you as you 'live the dream'! Alex xx :)
10/11/2009 21:21:52

Neil A. :
Hiya Mike, just to add my bit on your docu. Very good, and friends of mine I persuaded to watch it were very impressed! Amazing how over nine months of your journey could be compressed into one and a half hour film. Riveting to watch.
10/11/2009 22:51:37

Natalie - Hants :
Hi Mike, I just had to leave you a comment. I have just this moment watched your documentary which was recommended to me by a friend, as we currently studying weather systems, sometimes its better to see the power of the wind and sea, rather then just read about it on paper. I cried and laughed with you throughout the film. You are a true inspiration, I hope that when I complete my degree I have just as much courage and determination as you to follow my dreams. You have an amazing fami
11/11/2009 13:59:27

Emily Mckay <3>
watched your documentary (: very brave well done!
14/11/2009 01:39:59

Dan near Toronto :
Yes Mike, I'm still here. I've just viewed the "Cutting Edge" docu of your voyage..."The Schoolboy who sailed around the World". What an epic voyage! Now we know the rest of the story, which wasn't really evident from your daily blogs and vids. What a story! I had tears several times while watching this. For you folks also living outside the UK, you can view it at the following link. Just click on the button in upper centre of page "show me....."
18/11/2009 02:00:55

Dan near Toronto :
Seems like that last link I gave for Mike's video docu was cut off at the end. Here is a better one.
20/11/2009 03:38:53
Arianna :
Ok I seriously jut got done watching the doctumentary and I have to say it was probably the most epic thing I have ever seen! It brought back so many personal memories for me being from a family who used to sail. Oh and it was funny too! Good job! You make me feel like I hve done nothing with my life. -Arianna
29/11/2009 10:16:42

nicki :
Hi, finally managed to watch your video, had to watch it on streaming since it is not available where i am. Brilliant stuff. Everyone criticises Ellen MacArthur for crying during her film but few realise that no matter who you are you would also cry in the same circumstances. I think you did amazingly well given all the circumstances and watching the movie just made me realise even more the hurdles you had to overcome. Wishing you all the best for future adventures. N.
15/12/2009 09:32:13

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